又寫了一個 Blosxom 3.0 的 plugin Orz MultiViews 是一個可以讓你同時擁有多個語言
的 blog entries 的 plugin。MultiViews 這個詞是從 Apache 的設定來的,它允許不同
你可以將你的 blog 加上多個語言版本,來看個例子:
我試圖在我的 blog 上同時維護中英兩個版本。今天我寫了一個中文的檔案 XXXX.txt,
跟另一個英文的檔案 XXX.txt.en。這樣已經足夠做到基本的語言選擇。我把我的
default language 設成 "en" 給大多數的人使用,並將設定支援 "zh" 這個語言。這
個設定會透過 HTTP header 裡的 Accept-Language 來實作,也可用參數的方式來指定。
下載 MultiViews.
Another Blosxom 3.0 plugin! MultiViews let you maintain multi-language entries for Blosxom 3.0. MultiViews refer to Apache's configuration, which allow visitors to read different language of your pages.
You can add multiple-language version of entries to your blog. Let's see an example:
I'm a Taiwanese. I'm trying to keep both Chinese and English version in my blog (http://victor.csie.org/blog/). I wrote XXXX.txt in chinese and XXXX.txt.en in English. I'm going to set my default language to "en" for the most people use English, and people who use Chinese will read the Chinese version if their prefer language Accept-Language in HTTP heder) is "zh", "zh-tw", etc.
Get MultiViews.
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