2008年11月16日 星期日

LISP 初體驗

原本以為 LISP 只是一個普通的 functional language,所以之前都沒去接觸。但是在看完<<駭客與畫家>>之後,開始對 LISP 產生興趣。

書裡面提到 LISP 擁有許多最近新語言開始導入的 feature,而 LISP 也擁有一些其他語言沒有的功能。像我主要是被 LISP 的 macro 吸引(比 C 的 macro 強大多了。可以先把他想像成是 return 程式碼的 function,而且是在 compile 前先展開。),所以開始看 <<Practical Common Lisp>> 一書。目前為止,大家比較熟悉的語言中,我只有在 Perl 6 裡面看到 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl_6#Macros)。

大部分的人對 LISP 的印象就是一堆噁心的括號,寫個加法都要用 (+ 1 2) 這種前置式來敘述,實在是不符合人類的直覺。而 LISP 整個程式碼都是這樣 -- 由一堆 "list" 所組成。(* (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) 有一個 list,第一個元素是 * 這個 "function",第二、三個是另外兩個 list。類似這樣的語法,在定義 function、if、while 等等都一樣。

但這之前隱含了一件事實:LISP 本身的程式碼,就是一個資料結構! 所以 LISP 的 macro 做的事情就是生出程式碼的資料結構,我覺得這就比 Perl 6 的 macro 那種 template 的方式優雅多了。不過,這個優點是建立在令人卻步的括號海上的...

接下來,po 幾個我的 LISP 練習 XD

32 則留言:

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Lee 提到...

Lisp, a family of programming languages, was developed by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1950s as a language for artificial intelligence research. It is known for its unique feature of treating code as data and vice versa, making it highly flexible and powerful. Key features of Lisp include S-expression syntax, which uses symbolic expressions in nested lists, and the common structure of code and data, enabling powerful metaprogramming capabilities. Lisp is dynamically typed, meaning variable type is determined at runtime, providing flexibility but potentially leading to runtime errors. Memory management is typically handled through garbage collection, which automatically reclaims memory that is no longer in use. Lisp supports functional programming paradigms, including first-class functions and recursion. Two well-known dialects of Lisp are Common Lisp and Scheme, with Common Lisp being a standardized version with a broad feature set and Scheme being known for its simplicity and minimalist design.accidentes de moto ayer

martin03481 提到...

Lisp is a programming language with a distinctive syntax, primarily characterized by the use of parentheses. This syntax can be intimidating initially, but it also enables the manipulation of code as data, allowing for powerful metaprogramming possibilities. Lisp's macros generate the data structure of program code, allowing for more concise and expressive programs. The syntax's simplicity and consistency make it a visual aid in understanding code structure. Lisp's emphasis on code as data aligns with the idea of homoiconicity, where the program's syntax is a subset of its data structures. Comparing Lisp's macros with Perl 6's is interesting, as each language approaches metaprogramming differently. Understanding these differences can deepen one's understanding of programming languages and broaden their toolkit for solving various problems. Charlottesville Virginia Abogados de Lesiones Personales

lanisterjimmy 提到...

It seems like you've mentioned "Lisp."
Lisp is a family of programming languages known for their unique and expressive syntax.
Here are a few lines of information about Lisp:1. **
Historical Significance:** "Lisp, short for List Processing, is a family of programming languages with deep historical significance.
Developed in the late 1950s, it remains influential in the world of programming languages.
Expressive Syntax:** "Lisp is renowned for its simple and expressive syntax, characterized by parentheses and a distinctive notation.
This unique structure contributes to its power and flexibility.
"3. **
Functional Programming Roots:** "At its core, Lisp is a functional programming language.
It pioneered many concepts, such as first-class functions and dynamic typing, which are now fundamental in modern programming languages.
Common Lisp:** "Common Lisp, one of the major dialects of Lisp, is a standardized version that combines the strengths of earlier Lisp dialects.
It is known for its extensibility and features for symbolic computation.
AI and Lisp:** "Lisp has played a significant role in the development of artificial intelligence.
Its adaptability and support for symbolic reasoning made it a natural choice for AI research and development.
Interactive Development:** "Lisp environments are often highly interactive, allowing developers to redefine functions and experiment with code on the fly.
This interactive development style is a hallmark of Lisp programming.
"7. **
Macros and Metaprogramming:** "Lisp's macro system enables powerful metaprogramming capabilities, allowing developers to define domain-specific languages and extend the language itself.
Influence on Other Languages:** "While not as mainstream as some languages, Lisp has left a lasting impact on the field of programming languages.
Concepts from Lisp, such as garbage collection and lexical closures, have influenced numerous languages.trucking accident law firm

lanisterjimmy 提到...

Lisp is a family of programming languages developed by John McCarthy in the late 1950s, known for its unique syntax and support for symbolic expressions and symbolic computing. Key features of Lisp include S-expressions, homoionicity, dynamic typing, garbage collection, functional programming, macros, Common Lisp and Scheme, and its applications in artificial intelligence research, symbolic mathematics, and software scripting.

Lisp is dynamically typed, allowing variable types to be determined at runtime. It supports functional programming paradigms, including first-class functions, higher-order functions, and closures. Lisp macros allow developers to define new syntactic constructs, extending the language seamlessly with existing code.

Common Lisp and Scheme are two prominent dialects of Lisp, known for their extensive standard library and features, while Scheme is recognized for its minimalism and simplicity. Lisp has been used in various applications, including artificial intelligence research, symbolic mathematics, and scripting in some software applications.

Emacs Lisp, a dialect of Lisp, is built using Emacs Lisp, allowing users to extend and modify the text editor. Lisp has had a significant influence on the development of programming languages and has inspired features in other languages.abogado litigante patrimonial

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The author describes their first experience with LISP, describing it as fascinating due to its simplicity and elegance, which allowed them to approach problems intuitively and efficiently. They found LISP's flexibility and focus on list manipulation to be a revelation in programming problems. The initial learning curve of LISP can be steep, but as it progresses, they discover its expressive power and the ability to create recursive functions. The author's first immersion in LISP was challenging but gratifying, as it offered a unique perspective on functional programming. The author is eager to explore more LISP.

sansastark 提到...

Lisp, or "List Processing," is a family of programming languages renowned for their unique approach and use of symbolic expressions (S-expressions). Invented by John McCarthy in the late 1950s, Lisp has played a significant role in the development of artificial intelligence and symbolic reasoning. Key characteristics of Lisp include its S-expressions, which represent code and data as nested lists of atoms and sub-lists, and its functional programming, which supports higher-order functions, closures, and recursion. Lisp is dynamically typed, allowing variable data types to be determined at runtime, providing flexibility but requiring careful attention to type-related issues during program execution. It also uses automatic garbage collection to manage memory, making it less explicit and more automated. Lisp's powerful macro system allows developers to define their own language constructs, enabling more expressive code and facilitating metaprogramming. Lisp environments are often interactive, allowing developers to modify and evaluate code on the fly. Two well-known dialects of Lisp are Common Lisp and Scheme, with Common Lisp known for its extensive standard library and Scheme for its simplicity and minimalism. Lisp has historical significance in artificial intelligence, having been implemented in many early AI research projects and expert systems abogado planificación patrimonial.

kolson 提到...

Parallel::ForkManager: A Powerful Tool for Parallel Processing in Perl
Parallel::ForkManager is a popular Perl module that allows you to leverage the power of multiple CPU cores or threads for parallel processing. It provides a convenient way to spawn child processes, manage communication between them, and synchronize their execution. Here's a breakdown of its key features and how it can benefit you:


Increased Performance: By distributing computational tasks across multiple processes, you can significantly speed up applications, especially those involving CPU-intensive calculations or IO-bound operations.
Scalability: Parallel::ForkManager scales well with the number of available cores or threads, allowing you to take advantage of modern multi-core and multi-threaded hardware.
Flexibility: The module offers various approaches to process creation and communication, providing fine-grained control over your parallel processing logic.
Robustness: It includes mechanisms for error handling, process monitoring, and graceful termination, ensuring the stability and reliability of your application.
Key Features:

Forking: Easily create child processes by calling the start method.
Communication: Share data between parent and child processes using pipes, shared memory, or other mechanisms.
Synchronization: Wait for child processes to finish using mechanisms like wait or waitpid.
Callbacks: Execute code after each child process finishes or exits unexpectedly.
Memory Management: Manage memory usage and avoid potential memory leaks in child processes.
Use Cases:

Parallel::ForkManager can be applied to various tasks, including:

Batch processing: Parallel processing large datasets for tasks like data analysis, image processing, or web scraping.
Server-side tasks: Handling multiple client requests concurrently in web applications or servers.
Scientific computing: Performing computationally intensive simulations or calculations.
Build automation: Parallelizing build processes for software projects.
Challenges and Considerations:

While powerful, Parallel::ForkManager also presents some challenges:

Complexity: It requires careful design and understanding of parallelism concepts to avoid issues like race conditions or deadlocks.
Debugging: Debugging parallel code can be more complex than single-threaded code.
Resource Management: Overusing child processes can overload the system, so memory and CPU usage should be monitored.

Several other Perl modules offer parallel processing capabilities, such as:

Parallel::Threads: Uses lightweight threads instead of processes, better suited for CPU-bound tasks within a single core.
AnyEvent: An event-driven framework that can be used for parallel I/O operations.
Concurrent::Perl: A higher-level abstraction for parallel programming.
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walterwhite 提到...

Lisp is a family of computer programming languages known for its unique syntax and powerful features, particularly in symbolic computation and artificial intelligence. It stands for "LISt Processing" and manipulates symbolic expressions as lists. Lisp has been influential in programming language development and has applications in AI research, natural language processing, and software development. If you have specific questions about Lisp programming, its history, or applications, feel free to ask Abogado DUI Fairfax.

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Rubyrise 提到...

Lisp, a programming language developed by John McCarthy at MIT in the late 1950s, is known for its unique syntax and powerful features. It uses symbolic expressions, supports dynamic typing, functional programming, and metaprogramming. Lisp's nested lists of symbols simplify code and data manipulation, and its dynamic typing allows for flexible code adaptation to different data types. Its macro system enables metaprogramming and automatic memory management through garbage collection criminal defense lawyer manassas.

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jakerise 提到...

LISP (LISt Processing) is a high-level programming language designed for symbolic computation and AI research. Created by John McCarthy in 1958, LISP is known for its unique parenthesized syntax and powerful features like recursion, dynamic typing, and garbage collection. It consists of atoms and lists, S-expressions, syntax, and functions. Some basic operations and functions in LISP include arithmetic operations, defining variables, defining functions, and conditional statements. Recursion is particularly well-suited for LISP, as it is particularly well-suited for recursive functions. For example, LISP can calculate the factorial of a number using the factorial function Fairfax Domestic Violence Lawyer.

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Ryan hugh 提到...

Lisp, a high-level programming language, was created in 1958 by John McCarthy and is known for its unique syntax, powerful macro system, and use in artificial intelligence research. Key features include code as data (homoconicity), lists as the core data structure, dynamic typing, garbage collection, interactive development, and macros. Lisp has various dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure, which are popular for their flexibility and powerful abstractions. It has been associated with artificial intelligence research but is also used in education, web development, and data analysis. For more information, ask about its syntax, applications, or history New York State Divorce Rules.

Jack 提到...

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henryr056 提到...

LISP, inspired by Hackers and Painters, is a powerful language with unique strengths and quirks. Its macros operate at the language's structure, allowing for full code manipulation and flexibility. The concept of "code as data" allows LISP programs to manipulate their own code, making it highly extensible. The infamous parentheses can be off-putting at first, but they are appreciated for their uniformity and ease of parsing and manipulating code. Tools like code formatters and editors help manage parentheses. Once comfortable with these features, LISP offers a level of flexibility and abstraction hard to match in other languages. divorce lawyer chesapeake