過年前大家都回家了,剛好在這個時候宿舍斷電。我 BIOS 有設好,所以之前斷電後都會自動重開。但是這次卻沒起來,停了大概有 10 天吧 @@; 回來後發現是 ext3 爛掉了。真是太差了,一般非 journal fs 開機後可以先自動 fsck 再開進去,但這次我的 ext3 竟然在 loader 就 load 不進來 kernel -_- 我決定以後 root 也不用 ext3 了。
Everybody went home during the Chinese New Year. Gosh, the power of the dorm went off line during this time. My BIOS was set properly, so everything went very well before. But it didn't this time. My computer was halt for about 10 days @@; After coming back, I found it caused by corrupt ext3. It sucks, non-journal fs can fsck after the booting at least, but my ext3 dead in the loader -_- I won't use ext3 anymore.